Blog 4

How to Pick a Trustworthy Solar Company

You may have heard about solar so many times. And with so many solar installers, you need to know how to choose the best one.

Here is the list that you should pay attention to before selecting a trusted solar company. 

  1. Consider the experience and expertise of the solar company. Look for a company with a proven track record, a wealth of experience, and a history of successful installations. Reviews and testimonials from previous customers can also provide valuable insights into the installer’s reputation and the quality of their work.
  2. Make sure that the solar company holds all the necessary licenses and certifications is essential. This demonstrates their commitment to professionalism and compliance with industry standards. Additionally, inquire about the solar panels and other equipment the installer uses. Opt for installers that offer high-quality and reputable solar products with reliable warranties.
  3. Transparent pricing is another crucial factor to consider. A trustworthy business will provide you with a detailed quote outlining all installation expenses without any hidden costs or unexpected fees. Additionally, a reputable solar company should conduct a thorough energy assessment of your home to determine the ideal solar system size and design that meets your energy needs.
  4. Excellent after-sales service; usually, many companies disappear after installing solar power systems, but good companies finish their work until customers get the desired results and always provide information that can help them get the desired results from their systems.

Choosing a reliable solar company is an important step in your solar journey. We encourage you to take your time, ask questions, and research before making your choice. To take your first step, we are still offering free electricity bill analysis, just reply to this email with your latest bill.

We are still offering free electricity bill Saving Check

we will analyse it for you and let you know who to change to and how much you will save! 

On average you can save $200-$500 per year, but there are instances that you can save up to $700 or $800, it depends on your energy usage and how much you feed into the grid. If you already have solar power

How? Just click here

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